Herefordshire Netball

Winning the Ball Course

Winning the Ball Hereford march 27th

 Candidate booking form

Winning the ball flyer

Hello all,


As you are aware I have the Winning the Ball workshop organised on the 27th March at Whitecross Hereford High School.


To date I haven’t had anyone book onto the workshop, and only received communication from one person who expressed interest. I have advertised the course through email contacts and social media. It is still early days but can I please ask for your assistance in promoting the course.


I have attached the booking form and a flyer if required - any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Hereford could really benefit from the CPD workshop, and to run the course I need at least 12 attendees.


If you have any further thoughts please let me know.


Kind regards,


Kate O’Leary

Regional Co-ordinator West Midlands



T: 01902 518752

Walsall Campus Sports Centre

University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road

Walsall WS1 3BD

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